Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The Hearts We Sold gets 4 Stars {ya lit, romance, fantasy, thriller}

I got The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd in my August 2017 Owlcrate box.  I enjoyed the boxes, but have since stopped my subscription.  Though, I still get to enjoy all the books I got in the boxes.

The Hearts We Sold is relatable with the problems Dee has with her parents and family, and the anxiety she feels.  It's exciting and a thriller b/c of the monsters, that I could've never imagined, and the action that goes along with those monsters. "If magic was real, then so were monsters" (pg 189).  The book is sad (seriously heart breaking) but happy too.  

This easy to read book has a unique and interesting story line, with a Rumpelstiltskin aspect, and is something you should definitely check out.  

My nerdy librarian heart did a little cheer when Dee skipped school, and of all the places she could go she wanted to go the library.  My heart was happy when Dee truly grew as a character and really came into her own as a strong and confident young woman.  It's a great coming of age story with a twist and a storyline you'd never expect.   

My heart broke b/c of gallantry.  My heart broke when Dee's parents were abusive and not supportive.  I was so sad Dee had to deal with such adult issues, but I loved her drive to succeed and make a better life for herself in spite of her parents.        

The Hearts We Sold is creative and fun and worth the 4 out of 5 stars it earned in my book review.  My only qualm with this novel is some parts, including the beginning, don't grab the reader and take it for a ride that so easily could've happen with this thriller like storyline.   Some readers may struggle getting into the story; it may not be the best book for reluctant readers. 

Have you read this newer young adult novel?  What did you think?  

Happy Young Adult/Teen Romance, Fantasy, Thriller reading!

The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd - Jones
Rating: 4/5 stars
Best For: 14 - 18 year olds, 9th grade and up.

Clean Read: No, there is sex, underage drinking, language, homosexuality
Worth a Check Out: Yes
Buy It or Not: Not for a personal library, but great for a high school or public collection.
Read Aloud: No. 

Lesson Ideas: Abuse, Alcoholism, Anxiety, Boarding School, What's it worth. 

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