Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Help, the Movie

I know the movie The Help has been in the theaters for a bit now; however, I was able to see it just today.  The movie is based on the book, The help by Kathryn Stockett.  I went with one of my girl friends.  My husband said he'd go with me, but he was glad that I was seeing it with another girl.  It is more of a girl movie; but it is a great movie that I think both boys and girls would enjoy.  It is just an all around feel good movie.  The same feel good feeling you get when you read the book.

I had read the book a while ago, if you would like to read more about the book click here for my review.  The book is fabulous; I highly recommend it.  The movie is fabulous as well; it follows the book pretty well, and I loved the characters as much in the movie as I did the book.  Though, I think the movie was even better for me because I had read the book.

There are a lot of funny parts in the movie, just like in the book.  At times during the movie there were people laughing at the funny parts before the scene even showed on the screen.  If you had read the book you knew what was coming (toilets and pies), and it was absolutely hilarious.    I found myself laughing several times before the funny scene was actually shown on the screen.  I had enjoyed the movie so much that it left me wanting to read the book again to re-read all of the fabulous parts in the book, those that were included and those that were left out of the movie.  I'm so excited to relive the book again.

I think you know a book is good when you can re-read it over and over again and enjoy every minute of it.  I love reading those kind of books.  They make me oh so happy.

Let me know your thoughts if you have seen the movie and/or read the book.      

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