Thursday, May 19, 2016

Tiger Mamma Giveaway- Toys, Books, Moccassins, and More

Books and toys and cute moccasins oh my!  It's a good day for a giveaway!  

I actually have never done a 
giveaway on my blog (only 1 on my Instagram @alohamoraopenabook) so this is a first fun experience for me.  

I thought a giveaway that involved tiger themed books sounded fun, but when Siri at Pumpkin Thieves and Buffalo Wings mentioned there'd be the most adorable handmade toys and some Freshly Picked moccasins I said, "Yes please!"  I loved moccasins on my baby girl and a Caldecott Winning picture book seemed hard to pass up.  I figured there'd be loads of you that would want to win this sweet prize package.     

Today I'm collaborating with Siri of Pumpkin Thieves and Buffalo Wings 
to share what being a Tiger Mamma means to me.

When I first heard the term, Tiger Mamma I was a little unsure what it meant.  However, after thinking about it some more I realized tigers are some pretty amazing animals.  They swim, the only cat that does, as well as climb, run, and do all of the other things large cats do.  They are fierce and strong animals, and they insist on really nurturing their cubs.  

Tigers teach, play, and love their cubs unlike some of the other large cats.  To be honest I hope to be a mother equivalent to a tiger.  I hope to teach, play, bond, and love my 3 cute kids even if it's unconventional.  I hope to be as strong and fierce and dedicated to my kids as a tiger is.  I hope to be fearless when it comes to protecting my cubs as well as raising them.

I hope to be a Tiger Mamma.  

To celebrate the awesome-ness of Tigers we are collaborating with some fantastic bloggers
and handmade shops to bring you some phenomenal prizes!

Head over to Instagram to enter (the original post is currently on the second row and matches the top picture)
or get lots of extra entries on the rafflecopter here.

Go win!

Happy giveaway winning friends! 

Just for fun, check out the awesome blog and blogger feature Siri did on me here, and find out what we have in common.:)  

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