
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Three Dark Crowns gets 4 Stars {YA Lit} {Fantasy} {Series}

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake is the first in a new fantasy action thrillers with a strong female lead character.  If you liked Red Queen or Throne of Glass then you should give this fun story a read.  4 out of 5 Stars in my book review of this Young Adult/YA/Teen read that adults can enjoy as well.  Content included as well as spoiler free zone in review. Alohamora Open a Book

Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake showed up on my doorstep in September's OwlCrate box. The box was fun from open to close, you can click on the link above for my full review and thoughts. 

My feelings on the book were a little different than the subscription box, and for that reason I give Three Dark Crowns 4 out of 5 stars in my book review.  

I liked the book, I really did.  It was fun, and I am looking forward to the next one in the series.  However, the beginning was not as fun.  Actually, to be honest it was 100+ pages before the pace picked up.  I actually broke my personal rule to quit after 100 pages if it hasn't grabbed me yet.  Though, I did hear from a friend on Instagram that the story got really good so I kept persevering.  I felt the fact that I had to push myself past the slow beginning was enough of a reason to have a less than amazing book rating.  

There was one other aspect of the book that left a sour taste in my mouth.  Mirabella, one of the queens in the story, came across quite kind not wanting to hurt others, but then one moment later she was a full on seducer not being kind or sweet at all but slutty.  Even though Mirabella knew the man she was seducing was involved with someone else she just couldn't "help" herself.  Not cool.  Basically, I felt the writing was a little off to have Mirabella switch back and forth from kind to slutty so quickly without any character development or internal struggle. 

I will say that Three Dark Crowns most definitely does pick up the pace and becomes a fun, unique, and surprising read.  I did thoroughly enjoy it, but I don't want to re-read those first 100 pages.  After the book picked up, I found myself on more then one occasion saying, "Ewww" or "Wow!" or "Really?!"  There were several aspects that surprised me.  

I didn't expect some of the abrupt punishments given by the priestesses.  I didn't always anticipate Pietyr's actions with Katherine, but I am sure, or hope, that I will be more enlightened with the second book.  I was surprised, but maybe should've seen it coming, with where the story took Jules, Joseph, and Arsinoe. I don't want to spoil anything for you.  Just know the action in the story and the surprising storyline made for an exciting read that I would recommend to high school aged kids and up.  

As far as content is concerned there is language throughout the book, but it isn't excessive.  There is no drugs or real violence of any kind, but the story does imply sex a couple of times with no details given.  It's not a dirty book by any means, but Three Dark Crowns isn't squeaky clean either.  

This is a Young Adult (YA) book that can still be enjoyed by adults; it doesn't feel too teeny bopper-ish.  I do think boys could enjoy this story, but it is definitely written with the girl reader in mind.  However, I should probably say readers who loved Throne of Glass, Red Queen, or other fantasy action thrillers with strong female lead characters will most likely enjoy this book.  However, to be fair, I wasn't a huge Red Queen fan, but I still enjoyed Three Dark Crowns

Amazon has the following book description: 

"Fans of acclaimed author Kendare Blake’s Anna Dressed in Blood will devour her latest novel, a dark and inventive fantasy about three sisters who must fight to the death to become queen. 

In every generation on the island of Fennbirn, a set of triplets is born: three queens, all equal heirs to the crown and each possessor of a coveted magic. Mirabella is a fierce elemental, able to spark hungry flames or vicious storms at the snap of her fingers. Katharine is a poisoner, one who can ingest the deadliest poisons without so much as a stomachache. Arsinoe, a naturalist, is said to have the ability to bloom the reddest rose and control the fiercest of lions.
But becoming the Queen Crowned isn’t solely a matter of royal birth. Each sister has to fight for it. And it’s not just a game of win or’s life or death. The night the sisters turn sixteen, the battle begins.
The last queen standing gets the crown." 

Are you a fantasy action/thriller kind of reader?  Are you going to check this one out? 

If you don't love fantasy, what is your genre of choice? Contemporary fiction here.  

Happy YA Fantasy Reading!

Don't read any farther if you don't want to read any spoilers.  Just close your eyes and scroll down to the comments.  However, if you have read it... please comment with your thoughts.


For those that have read it...

Did the slow beginning kill you too, or am I just too antsy? 

Did Mirabella's actions with Joseph make you upset?  I was a much bigger Jules and Joseph fan, but that is probably I see myself as more of a Jules rather than a Mirabella.  

Those priestesses are brutal.  Chopping off Elizabeth's hand b/c they thought she had a "hand" in Mirabella running away.  Ewwww is all I could say when I read that.  

I was not a fan of Mirabella constantly throwing herself at Joseph, and Joseph being so weak. Stupid boys sometimes. 

Um, Pietyr throwing Katherine off into the abyss after saying he loves her.  What was that?  Then, how did Katherine show up to Natalia's door later?  I am so intrigued with what all happened and Pietry's reasoning.  Do you think he had a reason for that?  I don't take him for being dumb, but that seemed so foolish.

I feel I should've seen Arsinoe's gift being mis-labeled.  However, Drake did a good job not leading you that way, and therefore really surprising you with that ending.  Though, I feel Kat's gift is probably mislabeled too.  What do you think Katherine is? 

Okay, enough questions.  I'm just trying to have a virtual book club with y'all.  Please join in the fun and conversation. 

Spoiler Free Zone again!

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