
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Batman Science Series gets 3 Stars

Batman Science non-fiction informational text book series.  For those that love superheroes and science this book is a winner.  This book series got 3 out of 5 stars in my book review.  It's a great book for readers and superhero fans in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade.  However, the reading level is too high and the text is a bit too wordy and boring for the younger graders.  Alohamora Open a Book boys, girls, superhero, non-fiction
Batman and the real world science behind all of the cool gadgets and tools he has sounds like a pretty fantastic book concept.  To be honest, I think it is an awesome concept for a book.  However, this particular book series just missed the mark a bit.

Batman Science received 3 out of 5 stars in my book review.  It's a cool series and attracts both boys and girls to want to read it.  The concept is awesome; I just wish the writing would've been a bit better, or at least different for the right audience.

The cover and the size of the book is very similar to those Early?Beginning Reader type of books.  However, this series is far from that reading level.  I personally think text wise the book is for fourth through sixth grade, but the appearance of the book looks great for a Kindergarten through second grade boy.

My kids still enjoy the book to request it, but they are not nearly as excited about the book as they were when we first checked them out.

I actually felt the book was a bit wordy, and not necessarily deep but kind of boring.  Don't get me wrong; I love science.  I'm a librarian, and I'm a total nerd.  Documentaries are fun. Science is really fun, but this science is just not portrayed nearly as awesome as it could've been.    

Batman Science non-fiction informational text book series.  For those that love superheroes and science this book is a winner.  This book series got 3 out of 5 stars in my book review.  It's a great book for readers and superhero fans in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade.  However, the reading level is too high and the text is a bit too wordy and boring for the younger graders.  Alohamora Open a Book boys, girls, superhero, non-fiction

The layout of informational text aka non-fiction books is huge.  The DK books are so popular b/c there is a lot of pictures with small captions every where.  Kids love that layout.  Now, I am not saying the DK non-fiction book layout is the end all be all.  I personally think it is not great b/c it's a bit chaotic and hard to gather info at times, but it is popular among readers.  

If you look at the Batman Science layout above you will see there are pictures with text that clearly accompanies it.  The layout is good, but the text size is too small.  There is too much text, that isn't written nearly as engaging and interesting as it could've been.  I personally think an editor missed the mark on who their audience was.  

Though, to be fair and honest.  I like the books, but I could've and even should've liked them so much more.  This series had potential for greatness especially among Kindergarten to 3rd graders, but instead the reading level is too high for that age.  However, if you have a superhero loving fourth grader that likes science and reading give them this book.  They'll love it.  Though, I personally think a superhero loving reluctant reader (aka a kid who doesn't like to read) will struggle to get through reading the book.  

Amazon had the following book description

"When it comes to fighting crime, technology is Batmans greatest weapon. From his gadget-packed Utility Belt to his high-tech Batmobile, the Dark Knight tackles Gothams criminal underworld. But does any of his gear have a basis in reality? Or is it merely the stuff of fiction? Batman Science uncovers the real-world connections to Batmans tech and much of it will surprise you!"

Batman Science is a good non-fiction book series, but it isn't a great one.  I think that is what disappoints me the most.  

Happy Batman Science Reading!

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