
Friday, March 3, 2017

Actually Delicious Apple Cider Vinegar Tea {healthy, allergy free}

Apple Cider Vinegar Tea that is delicious with all of the health benefits and more.  This tea is amazing, and easy to make in 5 minutes. Healthy, boost immune system, fight cancer, help your heart, help diabetes, etc.  So many benefits, and this tea you will LOVE to drink. Alohamora Open a Book

I drank a shot of apple cider vinegar (ACV) with water and thought I was going to throw-up.  True story.  I will spare you the gross details, but just know that I am weak, and I just couldn't swallow the stuff.  I tried.  For several days I tried.  However, my body was clearly telling a big No Bueno to ACV.  

I have an autoimmune thyroid issue, and I had read so many things about the benefit of drinking apple cider vinegar for my general health as well as for my thyroid.

Here are a few benefits to apple cider vinegar that I quickly found: 

  1. Helps with heart health and fighting heart disease including lowering cholesterol. 
  2. Helps lower blood sugar and therefore helps Type 2 Diabetes. 
  3. Helps you lose weight b/c you feel fuller longer. 
  4. Helps detoxify the liver. 
  5. Helps get rid of Candida overgrowth which causes many problems. 
  6. Helps with digestion... this was big for me b/c I get nauseous so frequently. 
  7. Helps slow aging.
  8. Helps prevent osteoporosis.

That's a lot of reasons to drink ACV, plus there is more.  Basically, they say drinking apple cider vinegar is the for your health.  I wanted to be cool, I mean healthy, so I jumped on the ACV bandwagon.  

However, I was thrown violently off that same bandwagon when I just couldn't stomach the stuff.  I even bought the Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar b/c I read it was the best and that is what you needed to get the full health benefits.  I was hopeful it would taste better than the first shot of ACV that I tried with the store brand I had in my pantry.    

Oh boy was I wrong.  Bragg's or store brand, it was still gross.  I didn't understand how people drank this stuff.  I even added a ridiculous amount of honey, we're talking at least 4 tablespoons of honey for my 1 tablespoon of ACV.  However, nothing could touch the taste of ACV.  ACV is just gross.  There was no way around it, and I had decided I was never going to have the health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar.  

However, if you never try ACV, which you most definitely should with this recipe, this story should teach you that you should never give up.  I mean, I had given up on ACV years ago, but then one day I had an idea.  This idea included apple cider vinegar and a combination of other flavors.  This idea has been about 2 1/2 months in the working, but I am extremely happy with the result.     

This idea involves drinking that awesome super healthy apple cider vinegar.  This idea also includes a few other benefits like cinnamon (which they say helps with weight loss and boosts your immune system), lemon juice (vitamin C boost, detox, and digestion aid), and honey (help prevent cancer, regulate blood sugar, and more).  

Basically, I started combining all of these oh so awesome and powerful ingredients to create an actually drinkable and Super Hero version of apple cider vinegar.  This recipe is defintely the 

This week I hosted book club at my house; we discussed My Lady Jane.  I felt a book set in England called for a Tea Party of sorts.  For the first time I pulled out the china tea cups my Grandma gave me.  It was fun to remember my Gma in that little way, and I got to serve the only tea that I love drinking. #win  

Yes, I have come far in the past few years.  I started with dry heaving every time I drank apple cider vinegar to loving drinking my Super Boost Tea. 

Delicious and Beneficial Apple Cider Vinegar Tea
Recipe: Alohamora 
Active Time: 5 minutes
Inactive Time: 0 minutes
Servings: 1 cup

1 c. warm/hot water
1 Tbsp Bragg's apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1/2-1 Tbsp honey
dash ( at most 1/16 tsp) cinnamon, ground


  1. I stick a mug with 1 cup of water in the microwave for 1 minute. 
  2. I add the Bragg's ACV, make sure it is Bragg's, lemon juice, honey, and cinnamon in the order listed and stir to combine everything.  You can add more honey if you like your tea a little sweeter; the amount of honey I use really depends on how much sleep I got the night before.  A rough night usually means I need more honey.  Apparently, I need to sweeten my day.  ;)
  3. Enjoy your tea!

Happy Super Powerful Healthy Beneficial and Delicious Apple Cider Vinegar drinking


  1. ACV is wonderful stuff, but if you put the Braggs into hot water, you are essentially pasturizing the raw vinegar, killing the Mother and all the enzymes that make it really effective. I take my tablespoon straight up and quickly chase it with a full glass of room temperature water.

    1. Really?! That makes me sad. I love it warm. I'll try the combo at room temp, but I can't do straight up. I have tried far too many times.

    2. So I did some quick research and didn't see any difference w hot or cold water impacting the benefits. Could you by chance point me in the right direction?
