
Monday, January 16, 2017

Medieval Lego gets 5 Stars {nonfiction}

Medieval Lego by Greyson Beights is a great nonfiction book about mostly English history during the medieval time 1045-1485 BC.  Short historical stories with fun Lego pictures makes for a great book 4th-8th grade would enjoy.  Boys or any lego fan will enjoy this book. Alohamora Open a Book book picture book non-fiction fun

Medieval Lego by Greyson Beights nonfiction book is well done and would make a great purchase for a Lego fan and history lover.

To be honest, I do not love history, but I do love learning.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book for many reasons, and I am sure I am not the only one to enjoy this read.  This book had me laughing out loud when I read that monk Matthew Paris wrote about King John making "Hell worse" now that he has died.  I enjoyed learning about the feuds between the Lancasters and the Yorks.  I really just enjoyed so much about Medieval Lego.    

Medieval Lego by Greyson Beights is a great nonfiction book about mostly English history during the medieval time 1045-1485 BC.  Short historical stories with fun Lego pictures makes for a great book 4th-8th grade would enjoy.  Boys or any lego fan will enjoy this book. Alohamora Open a Book book picture book non-fiction fun

I give Medieval Lego 5 out of 5 stars for the fun and unique pictures, the length of the stories, and how cohesive the book was even though there were so many different experts contributing their knowledge and skills. 

 I loved the Lego pictures and thought it was creative and unique to use them for a historical book.  The detail of them was impressive, and I had no idea there were people that built Legos for a career.  In the back of the book I learned there was even a teenager that contributed to the Lego artwork in this book.  I think that is awesome! 

I also loved the information in this book and how it was presented.  I learned a TON about medieval history from this book with all of the facts, but the writing was still interesting.  Making history interesting is not always easy, but Beights did that fantastically.

Suprisingly, b/c I don't love non-fiction,  I wanted to keep reading.  I loved that the history was presented in short stories that are easy to read even for a non-history lover like myself.  Therefore, a reluctant reader could enjoy this non-fiction/informational text, but I doubt a reluctant reader would choose this book for himself/herself.  A reluctant reader may not gravitate to this book, but if a kid who doesn't like to read had to read a historical or non-fiction book, Medieval Lego would be a great choice. 

I found it very cool that there were so many experts contributing.  Almost each short story/chapter had a different contributor, but yet Beights was still able to keep the book feeling cohesive.  Beights really did a fantastic job keeping the book's writing in the same style even with the many contributors. 

Medieval Lego by Greyson Beights is a great nonfiction book about mostly English history during the medieval time 1045-1485 BC.  Short historical stories with fun Lego pictures makes for a great book 4th-8th grade would enjoy.  Boys or any lego fan will enjoy this book. Alohamora Open a Book book picture book non-fiction fun

As far as who this book would be best for, I'd say 4th to 8th graders, and adults who enjoy history, would enjoy this book the most.  Boys are usually the ones to prefer non-fiction books, but anyone that likes Legos and/or non-fiction reads would enjoy this book.  

I find the book descriptions authors and publishers write to often be valuable.  The book descriptions not only give a bit more info about the book and story line, but it also is how the publisher is trying to "sell" the book to you.  Therefore, I like to share the book descriptions with you b/c this is how the author and publisher decided to sell you, the reader, on this fun book.  

"Castles and kings, battles and treaties, famine and plague, intrigue and invasion!

Medieval LEGO takes you through real English history in the middle ages with a unique twist, with every event illustrated by a tiny little LEGO scene. With contributions by medievalists and scholars, this book brings medieval history to life in a fun, kid-friendly way.
Inside, you'll learn about events like the Battle of Hastings, the chartering of Oxford University, and the signing of the Magna Carta. You'll witness the Great Fire of London, the Black Death, and the Great Famine, and you'll read about famous historical figures like Robin Hood, Richard the Lionheart, Geoffrey Chaucer, and William the Conqueror.
Grab your broadsword and turn the page to join the adventure." 

Happy Medieval Lego Fantastic Non-fiction Book reading

I received this book from Myrick Marketing in exchange for my review and honest opinion.  All of my thoughts, opinions, and words are my own.

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